In the world that we live in it is very important for us to be mindful of our viewpoint. Whenever there is a charge behind your position, that states, “I am right and your wrong”, we need to query that standpoint. We must all remember that when we point the finger at someone else being wrong that projection lands right back in our own yard. Harming someone else with words or actions is only going to result in more self-harm and will never bring you the happiness, peace and equanimity that you may be searching for. Now you may say, “well I am not in search of peace, equanimity or happiness. I just want to be right.”. But I encourage you to think about that. What does that really bring you, to hold onto your rightness? We all need to be able to look at the charge behind our viewpoint, me against you, you against me. As long as this attitude is there, and we believe that our view is the only right one than we strengthen our aggression. Why, because you are saying that someone else is the problem, I am not the problem, you are the problem and because you are the problem, I really don’t have to look at my problem. However, I would contend that you are the problem! You need to take care of your own mind because there is interconnectedness and interdependence, and we are not alone here in the world. Your aggression does go somewhere believe it or not it extends to every living being. As long as we maintain the view you have it not me, I am the innocent victim, and you are my victimizer there is a problem. No matter how right you think you are you are projecting this outward and strengthening your aggression. Whenever, we strengthen our aggression towards another person or group of people we strengthen the hatred and hatred breeds anarchy and war. In fact, hatred is the agar of war. Furthermore, guess what you and each and every one of us is responsible for strengthening the hatred and the violent outbreaks that we see in our external world. I can assure you that someone else is not the problem! You are the problem and this problem that each of us has needs to be cared for inside of each and every one of us. In fact, not taking care of our own habitual negative internal aggression is precisely why nothing in our relationships or in our world at large every gets solved, it is always my opinion against your opinion. When we are heavily invested in our likes and dislikes this in the sustenance of the aggression in our lives and in our world. What’s more, as stated above it is the sustenance of war, genocide and every cruel act against another person, group, or people. Moreover, if you are confused about what I am talking about let me get clearer it is about all of you Democrats and Republicans who think you are better than each other. Let us remind ourselves that it is not about what political party is right or wrong we are all Americans and for the betterment of all people why wouldn’t we want to lay down our aggressive, blasphemous opinions and join with each other to create and strengthen something good. Why in God’s name or Buddha’s name or the higher powers name would we want to create an atmosphere of hatred that states, “It’s either you or me! I am right and you are wrong and if I cannot change your mind, I am going to make you change your mind by imprisoning you or deprograming you or killing you!” Is this the kind of country we want? Is this what you really want for your children and your grandchildren and great grandchildren. I am praying that this isn’t true. We desperately need to look deeper into our likes and dislikes, into our invested frame of reference, our beliefs, opinions, of one against the other, because this is the father of aggression and war!

I encourage you all to look within aggression and hatred does not lead to happiness and peace. However, it does breed depression which only serves to harm me, hurts me and robs me of my cheerfulness and any ability to move forward in a positive meaningful way. I would remind you that we can all do our part one mind at a time to change the outer circumstances by focusing on our own minds! Do not underestimate the power of the mind throughout your day. If we can use our minds for the negative, we can turn that around and use it for positivity and that is what this country needs, it needs to be infused with positivity and love for all beings. Be grateful for each and every nuance of your love to not take anything for granted. We have spoken of this before it is important for us to be GRATEFUL an attitude of gratitude brings forth loving kindness for self and others. We are not here to compete with other beings about who is right or wrong, rich or poor, healthy or ill, pretty or plain, we are here to find peace, equanimity, and loving kindness for all. We are all on the same really difficult path, we all need to be able to see this clearly. Do not be manipulated by your ego mind or anyone else’s ego mind. Be mindful of your anger towards anything that goes on outside of you. If fear strikes you, you’re in trouble because you know what is right behind fear, VIOLENCE! When you feel the fear take a deep breath close your eyes and go within, touch that tender heart where Jesus, Buddha live. Be patient with yourself, give yourself kindness, compassion and love, instead of projecting anger about the external circumstances. Remember, your happiness, peace, contentment, equanimity does not exist in the external world of situations. It is never about what should I do, love this person or leave this person, stay in this job or find a new one, stay in this house or buy a new one or leave this state and move to a new one! Do you know why? Because wherever you go there you are you just take all of your misery and discontent with you to the new relationship, new house, new job and new state. Eventually, we have to all acknowledge that the common denominator is each and every ONE of us. I will say it again your happiness is not dependent on any external circumstance so stopped being hooked by your ego who only wants to see you are wrong and I am right. This is a righteously indignant point of view. What we are talking about here is not the love that comes from someone or something else outside of us we are talking about self-love. The kind of love that is not swayed or triggered by external circumstances. Love is stable it is real, and it does not depend on or change with external circumstances so that when the shit hits the fan you are still okay. When pain enters our lives, it could be a moment of truth or one of denial. The pain can make us more compassionate or cast us into the depths of hell bringing with it more selfishness, pain and inner turmoil. When we retreat, isolate, and hide we bring more pain to us. There is virtue in pain because it helps us to see that pain gives us the freedom to question what is going on. Pain is our teacher because without it none of us would ever know what it would be like to feel freedom. Therefore, the important take away here is we must work with our minds it is the source of our aversion and or attraction. When you work with your mind you will lessen the grip of your opinions and prejudices. Don’t focus on your likes and dislikes focus on the flexibility of your mind to choose again, open your heart and mind and stop dividing the country/world, friend or foe. When we are involved in making one side or the other side wrong, we have cast the net of the enemy. Yes, this is what it takes to raise a fist, shoot a gun or go to war against an enemy. The real heroes are the ones that can see the truth they are the ones that are courageous and willing to go within and look at their own mind. Hearing the dirge of self and other hatred and still willing to vanquish this hatred with the love and compassion for all beings. Whether you want to believe it or not we are all one, do not let the external circumstances of the world cloud your vision and obliterate your heart.   

Remember, the integrity of the tapestry depends on the strength of each and every stand of awareness that we pull forward and weave it into our tapestry for greater choice and loving awareness.

I will end with a quote from A Course In Miracles: “When you meet anyone, remember it is a holy encounter. As you see him you will see yourself. As you treat him you will treat yourself as you think of him you will think of yourself. Never forget this, for in him you will find yourself or lose yourself.”


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